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About Us

Founded in 2019, Strange Theatre is a theatre production group in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our mission is to produce women-led shows with characters that are strong, relatable, and real.


We were tired of seeing the same tropes over and over again in stage roles for female performers. We wondered: Why are there so rarely roles in between the ingénue and the matriarch?


We want our audiences to see themselves, their friends, and their loved ones in the characters we put onstage. And if we can throw in some magic or some fake blood (or both!) along the way, even better.

Where did the name "Strange" come from?

The name is a bit of an inside joke, and a callback to the first show we produced together at the 2017 Minnesota Fringe Festival. One of our actors took the line, "It was so strange," and delivered it in a way that was so unexpected and funny that it stuck with us for the run of the show and beyond.


After a while we realized that's who we are. We want to do the unexpected, and give talented womxn performers like that cast member a place where they can shine. 


And honestly...we're pretty strange.

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